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Overthorpe Parish Council is democratically elected once every four years to help provide and enhance local services within the Parish, and provides a vital link to District and County Councils and other agencies on local issues.

The Parish council raises a precept (a local rate) which is collected by the district council as part of the council tax. 

Overthorpe Parish Councillors have an active interest and concern for the local community. They represent local people and work in partnership with them and others when necessary. They help facilitate the provision of local services and facilities and take decisions that form the policy of the Council. Councillors are not paid and have to abide by a local government code of conduct and declare their financial interests in the parish. Councillors must also declare a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter under discussion at a parish council meeting.  You can find out more about the Parish Councillors here.

Members of the Parish are welcome to attend Parish Council Meetings and the agenda and minutes of previous meetings are available to download.  Financial Information and other Parish Documents are also available to download.

Planning Applications

Information on all planning applications is available on the South Northants Website.  You can

  • make a planning application
  • view a planning application
  • determine if you need to make a planning application, and
  • understand the planning process and options for pre-planning advice

The website also provides information on the planning process more generally.


To view this information click on the link above and to view current planning applications choose "view a planning application" and click on the submit button at the bottom of the page, this will enable you to enter your search criteria.  To see all applications in Overthorpe choose the drop-down arrow where it says "parish" and scroll nearly to the bottom to find Overthorpe and select it.  Go to the bottom of the page and click on "search".  All planning applications will be shown with the most recent first.  Click on any application for all of the details of the application, including comments and decision if any have been made.

Parish Meetings

Please see noticeboard for details of the next Parish Council meeting.

Agendas are published a week in advance of Parish Council meetings. Minutes are normally published a week after the Parish Council meetings.  You can also contact the clerk.

Latest Minutes

16th Sep 2024